Battle of the Wilderness Facts

A cannon at the Wilderness Battlefield
The Wilderness Battlefield

Introduction Battle of the Wilderness

From May 5th through the 6th of 1864, in an area of Virginia typified by tangled brush and thick woods, the Union Army and Confederate Armies clashed at the Battle of the Wilderness; one of the bloodiest battles of the American Civil War. Union General Ulysses S. Grant had just been promoted to lieutenant general, and President Lincoln had just given him command of the entire Union army. As part of a coordinated plan Grant was determined to destroy the Army of Northern Virginia led by the legendary Confederate General Robert E. Lee. On this page we list interesting facts about the Battle of the Wilderness including information about who won and what effect it had on the war. This is followed by a timeline of the battle.

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Interesting Battle of the Wilderness Facts

Battle of the Wilderness Timeline